Sunday, March 14, 2010

No time like the present

Yes, I haven't written much lately. Or should that read: No, I haven't written much lately? No matter. The fact of the matter is...I haven't. Time for a few words about blogging in general I suppose. More specifically, a few words from me about myself and my blogging.

I've come to realize (there's that word again: real, as in realization, or let's be real, or really?) that it's OK to write in this here blog about anything. After all, it is my blog, as in "get your own if you don't like it". Writing about anything versus not writing at all is better, right? Or anguishing over writing about something meaningful as in meaningful to everyone as in relevant as in "Gee, I hope everyone thinks this is cool, er...meaningful!" is not a good thing, write?, right?

For instance, tonight, I am on the edge of ordering the Ultimate Edge (again). I say "again" because the Ultimate Edge is Tony Robbin's latest incarnation stemming from the original Personal Power series a number of years ago. I was a big fan. I did that program. It helped me get through having to live in Fresno and work at a buffet chain where Blackstone Ave crackhead hookers hung out fighting over the telephone in lobby. I felt good about it (the program, not the fighting hookers!). I believe that we, she and I, benefited from me doing it. Loretta has always told me, "You were so much nicer when you were going through that Tony Robbins thing...despite the crackheads and back-stabbing employees at the buffet place!" Perhaps I was...perhaps I wasn't...nicer, that is. I know I had a more positive attitude what with setting goals and planning for the future, unlike recent days and months when I strive just to get through a day at a time, one work shift at a time, and so on. Oh, I still have and always will have goals. It just may be time to identify them, write them down, acknowledge them, nurture them, embrace them and actually do something that will move me toward those goals. That's the bottom line of that whole Tony Robbins thing you something today, right now, that moves you closer to that dream job, dream person, dream car, dream house, dream change in your life. A movement (other than a bowel movement) daily in the direction you want or wish or dream to go. And, damn! There's that "D word" again...dream.

I may or may not spend the money on the new T.R. program...kinda been there done that. But the principles of it have stayed with me. Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, and even Dale Carnegie...I've read or participated in the "programs". All of them tend to get me re-inspired to do the right things right now. They've all motivated me to make changes, if not in my life, in my simple attitude about life.

Recently, I've pledged to myself that firing up aspects of my dormant photography business would be a positive move, a good thing, the right thing for me to do right now. I say "aspects" of the business because there a couple elements of it that I've pledge to myself to NEVER, EVER do again: f***ing weddings!!! More on f***ing weddings in another blog very soon. I still need to vent about that. Don't get me wrong, "gettin' hitched" is a wonderful thing. In fact, for the most part, dealing with the folks whats gettin' hitched was quite pleasant. Dealing with the Mothersinlawzillas? No so much. More later. I can't wait to blog trash about it. It'll be good therapy for yours truly. Then, I may be able to, "Get over it!"

This new blog site will have the comment option left open, at least for the time being. Have at it (comment, criticize...but don't even think about critiquing), and be ready for some brutally honest counter criticism.

Hmmm...the Ultimate Edge...I can "try it" for 30 days for $14.95 + S&H. Then, if I don't send it back, I will be billed $99.95 a month for 3 months. Or, I can buy a used version (or perhaps that's an unused version) on eBay for about a fifth of that. Or, I can buy a couple of fifths of Jack Daniels, invite some friends and relatives over for dinner, have some fun, squirt a few endorfins through my brain, feel good about myself (and others), and NOT have to mail the CDs back within 30 days. I'll get back to you!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


According to

im-age-ry [im-ij-ree, im-i-juh-ree]

-noun, plural - ries.

1. the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively: the dim imagery of a dream.

2. pictorial images.

3. the use of rhetorical images.

4. figurative description or illustration; rhetorical images collectively.

5. Psychology. mental images collectively, esp. those produced by the action of imagination.

In other words...I'll try to write some words and post some photos that will evoke interest, thought, pause, and, perhaps, a return.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Coming Soon!

Coming soon...under construction...awaiting patient.

A collection of thoughtful images, visual and verbal.